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  • Who Can Come to camp?
    Joshua’s Camp is intended for families that have a child (0-17 yrs. of age) that is in active cancer treatment (or) has been out of treatment for three years or less.
  • What constitutes a family?
    A family consists of the cancer child, the parents and siblings, or the cancer child, a single parent/legal guardian and siblings. A single parent/legal guardian may be accompanied by another adult.
  • Is there a cost to attend Camp?
    Joshua’s Camp and all that it entails is provided Free of Charge.
  • What can we expect to do at Camp and what should we bring?
    Contained in your packet of Camp Forms we will be sending you, there is a Schedule of Camp Activities. Also, for a firsthand view of Camp Fun and Activities, visit our website. Prior to your arrival date you will receive additional information, including what to bring/wear, directions and local medical resources, etc.
  • How do we apply to Joshua’s Camp?
    We process Family Applications on a first received basis. You can request a Family Application and Forms Packet through the contact information provided below, or better yet, you can go to our website ( and complete the Family Application Form online. Either way, the Forms Packet sent to you will have a complete explanation about what to do with each Form...we (real people) are just a phone call or e-mail away to answer your questions.
  • Is there a Physician on site at Camp?
    There is no medical attention or Physician on duty at Joshua’s Camp. However, there are two Hospitals in Eau Claire that have Cancer Centers. Mayo Health Systems (715-838-3311), and Sacred Heart Hospital/Marshfield Clinic (715-717-4121).
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